Copper Mountain, ColoradoCopper Mountain, Colorado

Candy Factory

May 08, 2017

Got the chance to visit my cousin's studio for the first time.  I've been to one of her shows, and have seen plenty of her paintings around at family's houses, but I had never been to the place where she spends all her time painting.  My other cousin from the Czech Republic was in town as well, so we made it a small family event before going out to dinner.

Her studio is located in a place called the Candy Factory.  Think colorful!

I was not sure what to expect, but all I know was that I liked it.  Paint was all over the floor, adding to the ambiance of the place, and the swing was a nice touch.  Totally random.

Always cool to see her portraits and subject at the same time.

Recently, she published and launched a book detailing her life as a painter.  The book launch was a lot of fun.  Even had the Swiss ambassador there.  Showing us the spot on the floor where they got the details for the front and back covers was pretty cool.

Book is a nice read, and makes for a perfect addition to your bookshelf.  I can always help to get your copy signed as well!

I'm somewhat familiar with her current drip style of work.  I did not know she was starting to do more texture based works.  Really thick paint textures bring an almost 3D effect to the painting, and I'm curious to see how more of them turn out.

Great family studio visit.  I hope to be back soon, and this time I'll bring my flash.

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